不像这个国家的许多地区, Monroe County has more than enough water to satisfy current and future needs. Our water source, Lake Ontario, and the other Great Lakes contain 20% of the world’s fresh water!
保护公众健康是我们的首要任务. The 门罗县水务局 provides drinking water that is safe, 高质量的, and in compliance with all federal and state water quality regulatory standards. 6月15日, 2022, the US EPA released four (4) new drinking water 健康报告 for concentrations of man-made chemicals called per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in drinking water.
PFAS are a group of manufactured chemicals that have been widely used in industrial and consumer products since the 1940s. 例如地毯, 服装, 纺织品, 食品包装, 消防化合物, 以及其他许多现代工业产品. 有成千上万种不同的PFAS化合物, 其中一些比其他的应用和研究更广泛. The EPA says most people are exposed to these chemicals through consumer products. Drinking water can be an additional source of exposure in communities where these chemicals have entered the water supplies.
Perfluorooactanoic acid (PFOA) and Perfluorooactane Sulfonate (PFOS) are two of the widely used and studied chemicals in the PFAS group. PFOA and PFOS have been replaced for use in the United States with other PFAS in recent years. 在化工和产品制造业, 六氟环氧丙烷二聚酸(HFPO-DA), 也被称为GenX, 化学物质被认为是全氟辛酸的替代品, and Perflurobutane Sulfonate (PFBS) is considered a replacement for PFOS.
The EPA regulates the safe levels of more than one hundred compounds in drinking water under the Safe Drinking Water Act requirements. In many areas of the country, PFAS compounds are considered ubiquitous in the environment. 目前,还没有针对PFAS的联邦法规.
Drinking water 健康报告 provide information on contaminants that can cause human 健康 effects and are known or anticipated to occur in drinking water. 环境保护署的健康建议是不可执行的,也不受监管的. Instead, the advisories are interim guidance issued before the EPA develops a formal regulation. Health advisories provide technical information to states agencies such as the New York State and local d环境保护署rtments of 健康 and other public 健康 officials on 健康 effects, 分析试验方法, and treatment technologies associated with drinking water contamination. EPA first issued a 健康 advisory level for PFOA and PFOS in 2016 at 70 parts per trillion (ppt).
环保署6月15日, 2022 action established interim and final 健康 advisory levels for four PFAS compounds. 这些新级别包括:
- PFOA的临时更新健康咨询= 0.004年ppt
- 临时更新的全氟辛烷磺酸健康咨询= 0.02 ppt
- GenX化学品的最终健康咨询= 10 ppt
- PFBS的最终健康咨询= 2,000 ppt
为视角, 万亿分之一等于31秒中的1秒,710年,相当于20个奥运会标准游泳池里的一滴水. These new 健康报告 are also below current means of detection and the measurement abilities of scientific equipment.
Are there state regulations for concentrations of PFAS in drinking water?
是的. 8月20日, 2020, New York revised state Public Health Law and adopted new drinking water standards for public water systems that set maximum contaminants levels (MCLs) of 10 ppt for concentrations of PFOA and PFOS. The new standards require public water systems to regularly monitor for PFOA and PFOS, 通知卫生部门和公众确认的超标情况, and work with 健康 d环境保护署rtments on a compliance timetable and plan to reduce the concentration levels of these chemicals below the MCL.
The 门罗县水务局 performs quarterly water quality testing for PFAS compounds on our source waters, 经过处理的饮用水离开我们的水处理厂, and at entry points to our distribution system for water we purchase from the city of Rochester and Erie County Water Authority. Summaries of these and all our water quality testing results we submit for compliance with federal and state water quality regulations can be viewed on our website by visiting or clicking links in the following website: http://o.rotifresh.net/my-water/water-quality/water-quality-reports/.
Our drinking water we supply remains in compliance with current federal and state water quality standards and regulations. We recognize concentrations of some PFAS compounds are above the EPA’s new 健康 advisory levels. 这就是为什么需要更多的研究和投资. 具体而言,我们力求:
- Continue robust testing and monitoring for levels of PFAS in our water
- Develop understanding of other established and emerging treatment options
- Develop practical and feasible strategies to reduce levels of PFAS as EPA and New York state establish future drinking water standards
Again, public 健康 and the quality of your drinking water is our top priority.
- 有关具体健康问题的问题, talk to your 健康 care provider who is most familiar with your 健康 history and can provide advice and assistance about understanding how drinking water may affect your personal 健康.
- 关于供水中污染物水平的问题, 我们的法规遵从性监控计划, 水处理工艺, 或者一般性问题, 请拨打442-7200联系客服.
- 有关饮用水法规的更多信息, 健康报告, 或者关于饮用水的建议, 联系当地卫生部门:
- Monroe County Residents: Monroe County D环境保护署rtment of Public Health 753-5057.
- Orleans County Residents: Orleans County D环境保护署rtment of Health 589-3278.
- Genesee County Residents: Genesee County D环境保护署rtment of Health 344-2580 ext. 5555.
- Wyoming County Residents: Wyoming County D环境保护署rtment of Health 786-8894.
- Livingston County Residents: Livingston County D环境保护署rtment of Health 243-7280.
- Ontario County Residents: NYSDOH, Geneva District Office (315) 789-3030.
- 韦恩县居民:nyysdoh,日内瓦地区办事处(315)789-3030.
EPA -全氟辛烷磺酸和全氟辛烷磺酸的饮用水健康咨询
http://www.环境Conservation署.gov/sdwa / drinking-water-health-advisories-pfoa-and-pfos
EPA -安全饮用水法(SDWA)
NYSDOH – Public Water Systems and NYS Drinking Water Standards for PFOA, PFOS and 1,4-Dioxane
NYSDOH -饮用水保护计划